The medical checkup procedure was far less of a hassle that I'd expected. Last Friday (9/10) I had an appointment with a nurse at the NAU health center. She did some basic eye/ear tests, recorded my height/weight, etc, gave me a TB test, and ordered all the labs I needed; I then had seven viles of blood drawn.
Yesterday I had my apppointment with the doctor, who herself was a Peace Corps volunteer in Fiji! She went over my lab results, did a basic exam, and filled out all the paperwork. Putting that envelope in the mail is exciting and scary all at once. It makes this feel more real.
Peace Corps service is so very much the polar opposite of my real life now. I spend my days in an air conditioned building thinking about choral music, balanced chords, when Vivaldi's op. 3 was published, and the differences between composers who lived 500 years ago. I hope that I can make that big adjustment.
So, now I wait.