Thursday, November 24, 2011

American perfectionism

I live pretty far outside the American mainstream.  I know very little about pop culture.  I don't have cable.  I don't have a smart phone.  I don't know anything about the Kardashians.

When I visit places with cable I often find myself glued to the set because I can't believe what I'm seeing.  This week I am with family for Thanksgiving and I am staying in a house where TV was on all day.

I should say here that I watched a lot of television as a child.  I was glued to TGIF every Friday.  In college I didn't have time to watch TV anymore and it's been basically the same way ever since.  I can't believe what it's like now-- Sitcoms, commercials and reality shows full of people without a flaw.  Beautiful white people with perfect teeth, perfect hair, perfect skin, the newest designer clothes, beautiful clean homes, etc, etc etc.  This is not reality.  No wonder kids grow up to think adulthood is such a disappointment.  If they grow up thinking their life is going to be like what they see on TV, any sort of life would feel like a let-down. 

I'm glad I don't understand or follow this trash.  My dad, a very wise man, is very much about going back to basics in life and I agree more and more the older I get.  I'd much rather read a good book, or -- better yet-- have coffee with a friend or family member and hear a good story, than sit in front of the television.  There is so much beauty in the world and so many stories to be told.  Stories that are more beautiful and more powerful and more vivid and dramatic than anything on NBC, CBS, or ABC.

I want to connect with people as much as I can-- with my students, with my friends, with my family.  Have you and I connected recently??  If not, give me a call.  I'll curl up with a cup of coffee and we can talk about something that matters.  Something real.

Happy Thanksgiving to my dear friends and family.  You make my life so vivid and so beautiful.  I have been so blessed to know you all.

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