I received my Peace Corps medical clearance packet on Monday, August 9. It's a lot of paperwork to be sure.
In the packet is information about a group of dentists who have all agreed to give free dental exams to Peace Corps applicants. Terrific! I called the office on Wednesday morning and the woman asks if I can come in right away. Why not, I think.
So I go in for my exam, and I'm fulling expecting everything to check out fine (I floss twice a day most days). Of course, I need seven cavities filled. SEVEN. Panic sets in. I have no dental insurance of any kind. The long and short of this story is that after three hours in the chair and $1,400, I've no more cavities.
I have my eye exam Monday and am awaiting immunization records from my pediatrician in Michigan and my HMO in California before heading to the NAU health center for my medical exam.
Though all this has been trying, my spirits are not wavering. I'm surer everyday that this is the correct next step for me.
...and I'm flossing and brushing like a freakin' fiend.
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